My Trip to the Lost Forest Park Fountain
August 9, 2008

If one follows the well beaten path from the road, this is a view of
the fountain which will be in the left.
Major marsh in between the path and the fountain. (There is a better
way to it)

I was able to find some dry land in the front after finding the better

Another shot of the basin, looking toward the path. Almost looks
like solid ground in between.. Almost.

Standing on the wall looking into the basin.
The copper pipe is capped.

Standing a little further back as to get a better look at the base of
the fountain.

Standing behind the basin.
There is a deep hole in the top stone.

Looking left

Looking right.
The cement remains of a bench can be seen behind the plants in the
upper right.

Same view . one of the stairs is visible and the cement remains of a
seat are more easily seen

The end of the right side.
I'll assume some real interest in the fountain if this is being read
How to Get There