In Monday’s CT Post Governor Malloy is quoted as saying “It’s worth
considering staying there for the duration of the disturbance” with
regard to the extended service suspension of MTA trains due to last
Friday’s incident near the Fairfield Bridgeport city
line. I am sure that he is referring to New York City in
that statement.
While this is a good solution for some, Malloy’s
remark resembles that of Marie Antoinette “Let them eat cake” or
that of his predecessor M. Jodi Rell with regards to the
escalating cost of vacations – the “stay-cation”.Many peoples’
weekly net pay will not cover the cost of a decent hotel in New
York. Consider the additional cost of meals to the equation;
Malloy’s solution becomes even more unaffordable.
Sandy and Nemo depleted many peoples “rainy day”
savings. Due to tax increases along with the escalating cost
of fuel and food, many people have been unable to replenish their
“rainy day” funds. Some people may be able to telecommute and others
may be able to take vacation time, but for many who can’t, Malloy’s
suggestion shows just how out of touch government is with the
average citizen.