Case and Point - What a drunk driver, Helen Lukas, did to my van in August 1998 - and tried to get away with!
I do not know what she received for a sentence / fine as she had her rights to privacy!

People here in CT love to complain about our highways.  Most complainers will say need to spend money on more highways, adding more lanes to the existing highways and improving access ramps. While the state of CT has a long way to go, the state has implemented many of these ideas with little success.  
Adding lanes to existing roads usually means that more people will have a good view of what everyone is slowing down to see.  Wider ramps give some opportunity to cut into the traffic further into the ramp.  Case and point....

While much money has been spent on improving CT roads and more needs to be spent, buying more asphalt and concrete is not going to solve the bigger problems with our roads.  Additional policing may solve some of the problems, but may add to the rubber necking delays.

Money needs to be spent on our drivers.  When obtaining or renewing a license, driver should have eye and hearing exams. Better senses should help making better drivers. Drivers should also be able to turn their necks enough as to be able to use the rear view and both side view mirrors. The same holds true for the cars – headlights, taillights, signals and brakes should all be able to pass a test.

If these measures still do not improve the quality of life on our roads, an expanded kindergarten program may help. When many people get behind the wheel they tend to forget what they were suppose to have learned in their first year of formal education.

Minding our own business and staying focused at the task at hand are two fundamental skills that are taught in kindergarten which help us as adults survive in the work place.  If we all could mind our business better on the roads, rubber necking delays would be minimized. Staying focused at the task at hand, which is driving, would require many of us to find other times to eat, shave, read, smoke and talk on the phone.  But if we all concentrated on driving, maybe we’d all spend less time on the road.

Sharing the road means using turn signals as to let other know what you are going to do. Sharing also means being in the proper lane for exiting or traveling. Patience; waiting your turn and obeying posted instructions all virtues learned in kindergarten are lost during the morning commute. Many of today’s drivers would quickly loose playing the kindergarten game of “Red Light / Green Light”, despite the fact that the adult version has been made simpler with a yellow light!   

Although the state could pave over every square inch of land that is not built on,  the state can not give every citizen their own road.  Thus if we as drivers can not share an intersection, no amount of pavement will solve our problems.  If we really wish to solve our problems on the road, then let us, as adults, live up to the standards that we expect of our kindergartners.